
Devotion Day 4


by Pastor Karen Runjo

I love sunsets. Sunrises are nice too but there’s something about the heat of the all-day sun that produces such a stunning array of colours strewn across the sky. My friends live on a property and have some of the best sunset views around. Sunrises have a more gentle, pastel start to the day, like the soft newness of a fresh day. Beautiful colours to start the day; beautiful colours to end the day. It’s like the Alpha and the Omega – a reminder of God in all his creativity and power at the start of the day (the Alpha) and a reminder of God in all his creativity and power at the end of the day (the Omega). From start to finish, He is God and He is seen in the beauty of creation. Romans 1:20 God’s invisible qualities – His divine nature and are seen in creation so man is without excuse. 

Prayer thought:

As the day starts and ends today, take a moment to thank God for his divine nature visible all around us, and the fact that he is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end and everything in between.