
Devotion Day 4


by Pastor Karen Runjo

I love sunsets. Sunrises are nice too but there’s something about the heat of the all-day sun that produces such a stunning array of colours strewn across the sky. My friends live on a property and have some of the best sunset views around. Sunrises have a more gentle, pastel start to the day, like the soft newness of a fresh day. Beautiful colours to start the day; beautiful colours to end the day. It’s like the Alpha and the Omega – a reminder of God in all his creativity and power at the start of the day (the Alpha) and a reminder of God in all his creativity and power at the end of the day (the Omega). From start to finish, He is God and He is seen in the beauty of creation. Romans 1:20 God’s invisible qualities – His divine nature and are seen in creation so man is without excuse. 

Prayer thought:

As the day starts and ends today, take a moment to thank God for his divine nature visible all around us, and the fact that he is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end and everything in between.

Devotion Day 3


by Pastor Karen Runjo

As kids, we loved visiting the “Rocketship Park” as a special treat with a metal structure consisting of 3 layers to climb until reaching the nose of the rocket. Also in this park, though, was a metal elephant, with its bones forming the climbing frame. Right up the top, was a wooden seat. The imaginary lands this metal elephant would take us to!

When I got the chance to ride a real elephant, I was more than a little bit excited. The tuk-tuks looked like matchbox cars from their lofty height as they lumbered along, and I felt on top of a mountain but it was something deep within that had me yelling “I’m on top of an elephant!!!” I think, in that moment, all the dreams and imaginings of a small girl living in a dusty country town were living her wildest dreams, yet I had no conscious thought of it to that point.

‘Deep calls to deep’ the bible says in Psalm 42. The deepest parts of us long for connection with our Maker. He knows us and wants to be known by us. Jesus, right now, is aware of each one of us “Even now, my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high. My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God; on behalf of a man he pleads with God as one pleads for a friend” Job 16:19-21. We have an advocate and friend in heaven. His name is Jesus.

Prayer thought:

READ Psalm 42 & Job 16:19-21

Spend time today with God in honest and heartfelt prayer. Answer God’s call to go deeper in your relationship with Him. What, also, would you have your throne intercessor pray for you about? Make a list to take to Jesus daily during this time of prayer and fasting.

Devotion Day 2

Living Waters

by Pastor Karen Runjo

When Jesus met the woman at the well, he starts by asking her for something. It was something ordinary, but important to her and something from her everyday life – a cup of water.

When we are spending this time in prayer and fasting, God will ask us to give up something ordinary but important to us, from our everyday life – a meal or meals, watching TV, looking at FaceBook, eating sweets or chocolate, drinking coffee… whatever it may be that God speaks to you about.

From the conversation that started with a cup of water, came the promise of something great – a spring of living water welling up to eternal life. From the ordinary, it opened the way for something much more valuable.

As we hand over our ‘cup of water’ to God, it will leave room for something greater – time with God, giving our undivided attention and an openness to His living waters flowing more freely within us.

Prayer thought:

Water flows, washes/cleanses, infiltrates. Pray for rivers of living water (the Holy Spirit) to flow up from within your very being during these 21 days that have been set aside for us to seek God more intentionally.

Read John 4:1-42