Hope Central is pleased to offer a completely FREE money management course to the community through its branch of Christians Against Poverty.

Our trained money management coaches, support you through this course which is run in small groups. This course which is held over 3 sessions, offers money management skills, advice and practical help.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national financial counseling charity working through a network of centres based in local churches.

CAP has recently added a new service through trained Money Mentors.

No-one should face financial distress alone - there is help and

community for you.

A friendly Money Mentor will walk alongside you to see you better understand yourself and your current financial situation, plan to meet commitments now and in the future and build resilience to financial shocks. Completely free - get in touch today.

Kevin Hodges, CAP Elizabeth. To make a booking or enquire further please call Hope Central Head office on (08) 82529011

If you require more support please contact CAP directly at 1300303929